Exploring Ancient Egyptian Rituals: A Step-by-Step Guide


Ancient Egyptian culture is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, captivating the imagination with its rich mythology and rituals. Among these rituals were devotions and divination practices that allowed individuals to connect with the gods and seek guidance or insight. In this blog post, we will explore an adapted step-by-step guide to performing an ancient Egyptian devotion or divination ritual, inspired by their beliefs and practices. Please note that this is a hypothetical adaptation and may not reflect the exact rituals performed in ancient Egypt. 

Step 1: Setting the Stage

To begin the ritual, find a quiet and clean space where you can perform undisturbed. Create an altar or sacred area adorned with Egyptian symbols, statues of deities, candles, and incense. This helps to set a sacred atmosphere and prepares you for the ritual. Before starting, consider purifying yourself through a ritual bath or a cleansing meditation.

Step 2: Invocation

Light the incense and candles to create a sacred atmosphere. The fragrance of the incense is believed to attract the attention of the deities. Stand before the altar and invoke the presence of the Egyptian deities you wish to connect with. This can be done by reciting their names or specific invocations, expressing your intention to seek their guidance and blessings.

Step 3: Offerings and Prayers

Prepare offerings that are traditional to ancient Egyptian culture, such as food, water, bread, or fruits. These offerings are meant to nourish and please the deities. Place the offerings on the altar, accompanied by heartfelt prayers and expressions of devotion. Speak your desires, concerns, or requests to the deities, using words that resonate with your intention.

Step 4: Divination Ritual

Choose a specific divination method associated with ancient Egypt, such as scrying with a mirror or using oracle cards inspired by Egyptian symbolism. Focus your mind and ask the deities for guidance or insight into a specific question or situation. Shuffle the cards or gaze into the mirror, allowing your intuition to guide you.

Step 5: Interpretation

Pay attention to any images, symbols, or messages that come to your mind during the divination process. Trust your instincts and interpret the signs as they resonate with you. If using oracle cards, consult the accompanying guidebook or trusted sources on Egyptian symbolism to deepen your understanding of the messages received.

Step 6: Gratitude and Closing

Express gratitude to the deities for their presence, guidance, and blessings. Thank them for their wisdom and assistance. Safely extinguish the candles and incense, acknowledging the end of the ritual. Take a moment to reflect on the experience and journal any insights or messages you received during the divination.


Exploring ancient Egyptian rituals can be a fascinating and spiritual journey. By adapting and incorporating elements of their devotions and divination practices, we can connect with the wisdom and energy of the ancient Egyptian deities. Remember to approach these rituals with respect, cultural sensitivity, and a genuine desire to connect with the ancient Egyptian beliefs. For a more accurate understanding and guidance, it is always recommended to consult experts or scholars knowledgeable in ancient Egyptian rituals.

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